Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Vines

halo. numpang menuh-menuhin lagi yak...

Woke up at 11.20am. Somehow I always woke up at that time of day these past days. I skipped breakfast, and ate lunch instead. Oh, I had bread for my lunch. hehe. I was starving at about 2pm, so I was thinking to go out and find something to eat (nobody's cooking at home, mom and dad are on honeymoon) until suddenly it rained. Sucks. I waited for about half an hour and it stopped, so I prepared right away. And then it rained. again. Hard. Yet only for 15 seconds, can you believe that. Fifteen seconds flat. I went out, and it rained again. Harder, longer. I'm so owned. "Man global warming sucks," I thought.

Around 6 pm, the rain stopped, and I quickly grabbed my bike and dashed around, and guessed what, the destination I was going, was flooded. Wow. Great. I don't care, I kept going, and the only thing I found was a small booth selling kebab. Okay, so I bought 4 and rushed home. I ate 'em, wow it was fantastic. It felt like being reborn, bla bla bla. 

I spent the rest of the day sitting in front of my computer screen, chatting with my friends on facebook. No, I didn't play Farmville. And one of my friends Aryo asked me to join his band, filling the bassist position. They said they play Nirvana, The Vines and stuff. I like'em (but I've never heard of The Vines that time. yes, that's lame), but I never played a bass before, so I humbly refused. Sorry Aryo. But that was the first time someone ever asked me to join a band. That's kinda relieving, but maybe it's just me.

Oh yeah, and I just broke up with my girlfriend. She was such a nice girl. We'd lost contact like about ten days, and it happened. She didn't get mad, as it ended up more like an agreement. I hope she finds a much better man.

And ever since Aryo gave me a link on youtube showing The Vines - Get Free, I kept listening to their other songs. I like that. Instant cool. I watched one of the vids, winning days over and over, like about 30 times or so. Its good.

Sorry for the English. Still practicing. kinda

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sate telor..

Udah 2 tahun lama nggak ngepost nih. Walaupun pendek, baca aja yak. Anjing menggonggong, kafilah berlalu. Gw ga tau artinya itu apaan.

Barusan abis dinner cari makan di Soto Kudus Grup Menara, yang cabang di jalan baru. Kakak keduaku menyetir. Semua pada sama pesenannya: soto ayam campur. Bapak makan 1, ibu makan 1, kakak pertamaku makan 2, kakak keduaku makan 2, dan saya makan 3. Dengan sate telor 3 tusuk. 12 butir lah kira-kira.

Pas di perjalanan balik, bapak bertanya "kamu seneng banget ndi sate telornya. enak ya?"
"enak pa, dibacemin gitu", balas aku.
"sate yang itu dari apa sih, kura-kura ya? hahaha"
gw diam. kebiasaan becanda melulu dia.
tiba-tiba kakak keduaku yang sedang menyetir nyaut "lah emang iya pa, dari kura-kura"

doong. . . . . . .

NOTE: sate telor itu adalah sate telor puyuh, dari BURUNG PUYUH. unggas, bukan reptil.

apa tampak sama menurutmu??

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black - For All

Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black - For All
Genre: Rap rock
Release: 2010

Track List:
1. Ya Sudahlah
2. Good Time
3. Tetap Semangat
4. Sang Juara
5. Sang Juara
6. Bumi Ke Langit
7. S.O.S.
8. For All
9. Terinjak Terhempas
10. Kita Selamanya
11. Tidurlah

Third album from Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black


Daftar Ulang ITB

Selamat malem. Baru balik dari Bandung nih, abis daftar ulang ITB. Berangkat bersama 3 temanku: Aryo, Arif, dan Raufan. Arif yang menyetir, kami penghibur. Menginap di sebuah hotel bernama Hotel Wirton, sekamar berdua. Kebetulan nemu nih beberapa pictnya di dunia maya:

Ini dia gedung Telkomsel Hotel Wirton

pintu kamar mandinya dari kaca transparan 

langsung sambangin aja hotelnya

Sunday, June 13, 2010

2 million

Dan sekarang 2 juta hehe:

maximum scorenya berapa yak ini game?

yang hapenya 128x160 bisa download nih gw upload-in, ada yang nitip
Click here to download

Friday, June 11, 2010

Display Reader

Display reader is a screenshooter for Sony Ericsson phones. Phones connect via USB cable

Found it while wondering if there's something that let me do that.
I like it a lot. Gets the job done nice and easy.

click here to download

1,3 million

Hola, iseng nih pengen pamer dikit skor bookworm:

baru sejuta sih, tapi udah lumayan lah, high score gw sekarang hehe

played on my W660i
screenie captured using Display reader